Product Overview
Product Details
- Life-of-the-Engine, 1,000,000-mile coolant*
- Provides antifreeze and antiboil protection
- Superior liner pitting and corrosion protection
- Superior aluminum and solder protection
- Compatible with gaskets, elastomers and other non-metallics in the engine
- Optimizes cooling system performance and water pump life
- Contains proprietary scale inhibitors
- Compatible with all other antifreeze/coolants
- Available in concentrate, 50/50 and 60/40
- For all Heavy Duty diesel and gas engines
- Additive levels easily maintained via DCA4 liquid, or DCA4 chemical filters
* Ensure proper additive levels and coolant pH through coolant testing and the addition of SCAs or new coolant if necessary. Testing your coolant every 150,000-miles or 4,000-hours is recommended to identify system contamination and to screen for engine problems.
Shipment Weight: 46.7 Lbs